唐兰兰 李志海. 2011: 新疆天山中东段地区地震波衰减、场地响应及震源参数研究. 地震学报, 33(2): 134-142.
引用本文: 唐兰兰 李志海. 2011: 新疆天山中东段地区地震波衰减、场地响应及震源参数研究. 地震学报, 33(2): 134-142.


  • 摘要: 根据新疆数字地震台网17个数字地震台的地震波形资料,用Atkinson和Mereu方法反演天山中东段地区的非弹性衰减;用Moya和Jorge方法反演17个台站的场地响应.结果表明,天山中东段地区非弹性衰减Q值随频率f的关系为Q(f)=460.7f0.515;17个台站的台基均有不同程度的放大效应.209次地震震级与地震矩在单对数坐标下有明显的正相关关系,地震震级与震源尺度及矩震级成正相关关系,与拐角频率成反相关关系,地震震级与应力降之间没有明显依赖关系.


    Abstract: Based on digital seismograms recorded at 17 stations of XinJiang, the inelastic attenuation coefficient of seismic waves is calculated using genetic algorithm and the method proposed by Atkinson and Mereu.Then,the station site response and source parameters are investigated with the approach of Moya and Jorge. The frequency-dependent S wave Q in Xinjiang region is estimated as Q(f)=460.7f0.515. Site responses of 17 stations show different amplifications. In semi-logrithmic coordinate magnitudes are positively correlated with seismic moments and source radii, and negatively correlated with corner frequencies of source spectrum. Stress drops do not obviously depend on the magnitudes. This inplies that stress drop of earthquakes in a region may be a meaningful parameter for earthquake prediction.


