
Spatio-temporal evolution of electromagnetic field pre- and post-earthquakes

  • 摘要: 本文利用DEMETER卫星观测到的电磁场数据, 统计分析了2005—2009年全球MS≥7.0强震前后空间电磁场的时空演化特征. 在震中上空±10°范围内, 使用震前90天至震后30天的5年同期观测到的电磁场极低频/甚低频(370—897 Hz)功率谱密度数据构建了稳定的背景场观测模型, 提取了震中上空的空间电磁场相对于背景场的扰度幅度, 并统计分析了强震前后空间电磁场的时空演化特征. 统计结果显示: 45次MS≥7.0强震中, 35次强震在地震发生前后磁场最大扰动幅度超过2.2倍标准差, 39次强震的电场最大扰动幅度超过2倍标准差; 最大的电磁扰动主要出现在震中±4°—±10°范围内. 另外, 震中上空的电磁场扰动幅度时序变化表现为3种不同类型的扰动特征, 且震前出现电磁异常的强震震中位置的分布特征与纬度存在一定关系; 而随机选择的非震区上空空间电磁场的扰动幅度则比较小, 未呈现出明显的特征.


    Abstract: Utilizing the electromagnetic field observations of DEMETER satellite, we statistically analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of electromagnetic field during the strong earthquakes with magnitude over than 7.0 occurred from 2005 to 2009. For each earthquake, using the power spectral density data of electromagnetic field in the ELF/VLF frequency band (370—897 Hz) from 90 days before the earthquake to 30 days after the earthquake, in the area within ±10° in latitude and in longitude from the epicenter, the background model is built up with the same period. A formula is applied to extract the perturbation amplitude of the electromagnetic field relative to the background field observation model during the earthquake time, and the perturbation amplitude is used to statistically study the spatio-temporal variations of electro-magnetic field for the 45 earthquakes, which had been chosen in this paper. Statistical analyses on the perturbation amplitude of magnetic field shows that 35 earthquakes exhibit anomaly that the maximum of perturbation amplitude exceeds 2.2 times standard deviation, while the result of the electric field shows that 39 strong earthquakes exhibit anomalies with the maximum perturbation higher than twice standard deviation, and the maximum electromagnetic perturbations mainly appear in the places within ±4° to ±10° in latitude and in longitude from the epicenter. The temporal variation of the perturbation amplitude shows there are three types of variation patterns. The abnormal electromagnetic perturbation that occurs before earthquakes displays that the distribution of epicenters is related to latitude. However, the perturbation amplitude of electromagnetic field over the random non-earthquake region is weak, without displaying prominent characteristic of anomalous variation.


