
陈凯, 潘华

陈凯,潘华. 2025. 基于机器学习的区域地震动模拟—以2022年泸定MS6.8地震为例. 地震学报,47(2):242−253. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20230084
引用本文: 陈凯,潘华. 2025. 基于机器学习的区域地震动模拟—以2022年泸定MS6.8地震为例. 地震学报,47(2):242−253. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20230084
Chen K,Pan H. 2025. Machine learning-based regional ground seismic motion simulation:A case study of the MS6.8 Luding earthquake in 2022. Acta Seismologica Sinica47(2):242−253. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20230084
Citation: Chen K,Pan H. 2025. Machine learning-based regional ground seismic motion simulation:A case study of the MS6.8 Luding earthquake in 2022. Acta Seismologica Sinica47(2):242−253. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20230084


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题项目(2022YFC3003502)资助




  • 中图分类号: P315.9

Machine learning-based regional ground seismic motion simulation:A case study of the MS6.8 Luding earthquake in 2022

  • 摘要:



    The seismic time history plays a crucial role in pre-earthquake risk assessment and post-earthquake damage evaluation. However, due to the uncertainty in simulated ground seismic motion parameters, there are notable differences between simulation results and actual records. Fortunately, advancements in data mining techniques and the availability of high-quality strong ground seismic motion observation records have made it possible to simulate earthquakes by extracting seismic characteristic records.

    On September 5, 2022, an MS6.8 earthquake struck Luding County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China, with epicenter location (29.59°N, 102.08°E), and a focal depth of 16 km. This event occurred in the southeastern segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone, near the Moxi fault and Jinpingshan fault. According to the intensity survey results released by the China Earthquake Administration, the major axis of the isoseismal lines of the Luding earthquake trended northwest, with dimensions of 195 km by 112 km, and the intensity in the most affected area reached level Ⅸ. The area with intensity Ⅵ or above covered 19 089 square kilometers. The earthquake caused significant damage to infrastructure, including roads, bridges, buildings, and lifeline projects, resulting in casualties and triggering secondary hazards such as landslides. Following the Luding MS6.8 main shock, several aftershocks occurred, the most notable of which was the MS5.0 event on October 22, 2022.

    This study selected seismic records from the MS5.0 earthquake on October 22, 2022. According to the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) results, the focal mechanism of the MS6.8 main shock indicates a strike of 164°, dip of 78°, and slip of 7°, and the MS5.0 aftershock focal mechanism shows a strike of 167°, dip of 48°, and slip of −53°. The main shock is characterized as a strike-slip earthquake, while the aftershock involves both thrust and strike-slip components. Fifteen stations with three-component records from the aftershocks were selected for feature principal component time history extraction, and then baseline correction, and filtering were applied to the seismic records. Due to the complex influence of rupture mechanisms, propagation paths, and site conditions, seismic records at different stations capture different seismic features. This study employs principal component analysis (PCA), a machine learning-based data dimensionality reduction method, to extract seismic features. The PCA process involves treating each seismic record as a row vector, concatenating all seismic records to form a matrix, and applying linear transformations to map the high-dimensional vectors into a lower-dimensional space. The resulting matrix, composed of 45 seismic records from 15 stations, contains the primary features of the Luding earthquake. The number of feature principal component time histories is determined by selecting those with cumulative contribution rates exceeding 95%.

    The simulation of ground motions for the main shock at target stations requires the calculation of coefficients for the 15 feature principal component time histories obtained through PCA. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is employed to find the combination coefficients that minimize the error between the simulated ground motions and the actual records, with peak acceleration and acceleration response spectrum as constraints. This algorithm is an optimization computing technique that takes into account both the individual cognition of particles and the social influence of the population. Twelve target stations near the epicenter of the Luding main shock were selected for simulation, and PSO was used to calculate the combination coefficients for the feature principal component time histories. The simulated ground motions were then compared with the actual records.

    The simulation results for most stations are satisfactory, with small errors between simulated and actual values in both high-frequency and low-frequency ranges. However, there is some discrepancy in the simulation results for the EW-direction seismic records between stations 51MNT and 51HYQ. To better assess the contribution of data from the stations 51HYQ and 51MNT to the feature principal component time histories, principal component analysis was conducted after removing data from these two stations. It was found that the number of feature principal component time histories with a cumulative contribution rate of 95% decreased from 15 to 12. The simulation results of seismic time history and response spectra remained consistent with the results before removal, indicating that the contribution of data from these two stations to the ground seismic motion simulation in this study is relatively small. To improve the simulation for these distant stations, the study replaced the four feature principal component time histories with lower contribution rates, leading to better results. The comparison of actual and simulated ground seismic motions, as well as acceleration response spectra, demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

    This study leverages machine learning techniques, specifically principal component analysis and particle swarm optimization, to simulate ground motions for the Luding earthquake sequence. The analysis demonstrates that it is feasible to extract seismic feature principal component time histories from aftershock data and to use them for main shock simulation. The combination of PSO optimization, peak acceleration, and acceleration response spectrum as constraints yields accurate simulations. The study suggests that utilizing data-driven approaches, especially in the regions with frequent seismic activity, provides valuable insights into the potential impact of strong earthquakes.

  • 地震危险性分析一直是工程地震研究领域中的重要课题,地震动参数是进行震前风险评估和震后灾害损失评估的重要指标(钟德理,冯启民,2004)。地震学中常用的地震动模拟方法主要有随机有限断层法、经验格林函数法、有限差分法、谱元法等(Irikura,Kamae,1994Beresnev,Atkinson,1997Komatitsch,Vilotte,1998石玉成等,2005李启成,2010孙晓丹,陶夏新,2012),其中:随机有限断层法在模拟的过程中需要准确地选取应力降、衰减因子、场地响应及震源模型等大量参数(高阳等,2014),而有限差分法和谱元法在进行模拟时同样需要建立模型并确定部分参数,这些基于物理模型的方法可以在一定程度上反映地震破裂及传播机制,但由于地震的发生受到震源、路径以及场地的综合影响(党鹏飞等,2022),这些参数及其物理性质在很大程度上存在不确定性,因此准确地模拟地震动一直是重要的研究课题。

    随着我国预警项目的建设和实施,强震观测站点分布越来越密集,强震仪记录的数据也越来越丰富。基于数据驱动的地震学研究在地震预警、微震检测、地震动模型构建和地震动模拟等方面均取得了重要进展(杨陈等,2015傅磊等,2018Kong et al,2019)。在地震动模拟方面,利用主成分分析法(principal component analysis,缩写为PCA)提取地震特征主成分时程并匹配目标反应谱的地震动模拟方法的有效性得到了验证(Alimoradi,Beck,2015)。在此模拟方法的基础上,胡进军等(2021)和靳超越等(2021)结合智能优化算法基于中国西部地区的地震动进行了模拟合成方法的研究,验证了利用区域前震和余震数据进行模拟的可行性。在主震发生后通常会有大量的余震活动,而这些余震往往会对震区造成二次破坏。鉴于满足工程应用要求的强震地震动真实记录不足,利用中小地震的地震动人工模拟强震地震动成为近年来的研究热点(姜云木等,2023)。

    2022年9月5日在四川省甘孜藏族自治州泸定县发生MS6.8地震,震中位于(29.59°N,102.08°E),震源深度为16 km。此次地震发生在鲜水河断裂带南东段,处于磨西断裂和锦屏山断裂附近。烈度调查结果(中华人民共和国应急管理部,2022)显示,泸定地震的等震线长轴呈NW向,长轴195 km、短轴112 km,极震区烈度为 Ⅸ度,Ⅵ度及以上震区面积为1万9089 km2。此次地震造成大量道路、桥梁、房屋及生命线工程损坏及人员伤亡,并引发了部分山体滑坡等次生灾害。在泸定MS6.8主震后发生了多次余震,其中较大的余震为2022年10月22日的MS5.0余震。该余震震中附近分布着密集的强震动观测台站,为基于中小地震数据的强震模拟提供了良好的数据支持。本文在对泸定MS5.0余震记录进行筛选和处理的基础上,应用主成分分析法对MS5.0余震进行地震特征主成分时程的提取,并利用提取到的特征主成分时程进行主震的地震动模拟。在模拟过程中将主震目标台站的峰值加速度(peak ground acceleration,缩写为PGA)、加速度反应谱两个基本参数作为约束条件,使用粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization,缩写为PSO)计算特征主成分时程的组合系数。通过以上基于工程特性的强震地震动模拟,本研究拟探讨将小区域中的小震数据进行特征提取后用于模拟强震的适用性,以期为利用机器学习方法模拟中小地震频发地区可能发生的强震提供数据支持。

    选取2022年泸定MS6.8主震后发生的MS5.0余震的地震动记录,图1给出了所选地震事件的震中及台站分布。根据全球矩张量结果(GCMT,2022),泸定MS6.8主震的震源机制解为走向164°、倾角78°、滑动角7°,MS5.0余震的震源机制解为走向167°、倾角48°、滑动角−53°,主震为走滑型地震,余震为逆冲兼走滑地震。本文共选取该余震在15个台站的45条三分量(EW,NS,UD)地震动记录,将其用于提取特征主成分时程。对选取的地震动记录进行基线校正和滤波处理,在基线校正中使用多项式最小二乘法去趋势,滤波则采用截止频率分别为0.1 Hz与25 Hz的四阶巴特沃斯(Butterworth)滤波器,通过以上处理剔除基线偏移和环境噪声对数据产生的影响。利用上述15个台站的余震地震动时程进行目标台站的主震模拟,距震中最近的台站为51LDJ,距离为19 km,最大峰值加速度为NS向的59.9 cm/s2,最远的台站为51MCL,震中距为180 km,记录到此次余震的台站和地震信息列于表1图2给出了此次地震各台站峰值加速度与震中距的关系,其中蓝色、橙色曲线分别对应中国西部地区的地震动衰减关系的长短轴(俞言祥等,2013),对比发现除个别台站值有所偏差外,此次地震记录到的峰值加速度衰减关系与俞言祥等(2013)的模型值基本相当。

    图  1  2022年泸定MS6.8地震及其MS5.0余震的震中位置和台站分布
    Figure  1.  Locations of MS6.8 Luding earthquake in 2022 and its aftershock with MS5.0 and distribution of seismic stations
    表  1  2022年泸定MS6.8地震的MS5.0余震的地震动信息
    Table  1.  Ground seismic motion information of the MS5.0 aftershock of the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake
    台站 场地类型 台站位置 震中距/km PGA/(cm·s−2
    东经/° 北纬/° EW NS UD
    51HYJ 土层 102.6 29.5 56.5 5.5 6.3 −4.5
    51HYQ 土层 102.6 29.6 55.1 −6.8 9.2 5.2
    51JLT 土层 101.5 29.0 85.1 17.4 −17.4 −17.4
    51LDJ 土层 102.2 29.7 19.2 −50.6 −59.9 34.4
    51LDL 土层 102.2 29.8 26.8 52.6 51.0 28.7
    51LDS 土层 102.2 29.9 36.2 −9.9 11.2 9.1
    51MND 土层 102.2 28.8 91.6 −3.6 1.2 3.0
    51SMC 土层 102.3 29.1 62.5 −6.0 2.9 7.1
    51SMX 土层 102.3 29.3 43.3 −9.5 −6.0 10.6
    51SWH 土层 103.6 29.3 155.9 −2.9 2.8 1.4
    51MNA 土层 102.2 28.6 113.5 2.4 −2.9 1.7
    51MNT 土层 102.2 28.5 124.5 −10.1 −10.0 −3.2
    51EMS 土层 103.4 29.6 132.5 −2.8 2.3 1.6
    51PJW 土层 103.7 30.3 178.2 −3.7 −4.4 −0.7
    51MCL 土层 103.7 28.9 180.2 −2.7 3.3 1.2
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    图  2  2022年泸定MS6.8地震的MS5.0余震的地震动衰减关系
    Figure  2.  Ground motion attenuation relationship of the MS5.0 aftershock of the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake


    图  3  本文所用主成分分析法(PCA)的地震动模拟流程
    Figure  3.  Ground motion simulation flow of principal component analysis (PCA) used in this study


    $$ a ( t ) = \sum _{i=1}^{n}{k}_{i}{u}_{i} ( t ) \text{,} $$ (1)




    图  4  基于主成分分析法进行特征提取而得到的2022年泸定MS5.0余震的特征主成分时程
    Figure  4.  Feature principal component time histories of the MS5.0 Luding aftershock based on feature extraction by the principal component analysis algorithm
    图  5  泸定MS5.0余震的特征波贡献率
    Figure  5.  Contribution rate of feature principal component time histories of the MS5.0 Luding aftershock


    $$ S=\sum \left|{S} _{{\mathrm{a}}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}{k}_{i}{u}_{i}\text{,} {t}_{i}\right)-{S} _{{\mathrm{a}}}^{*} ( {t}_{i} ) \right|\text{,} $$ (2)

    式中: Sa为利用模拟得到的地震动时程计算的反应谱,${S} _{{\mathrm{a}}}^{*} $为利用实际地震动记录计算得到的反应谱,ki为需要求解的特征主成分时程的线性组合系数,uiti分别为相应的特征主成分时程和时间变量。



    1) 粒子参数初始化。设置粒子群的数目、迭代次数及搜索空间,并初始化所有粒子的位置和速度,设置粒子的最优适应度和种群的最优适应度。

    2) 计算个体适应度及全局最优解。计算各个粒子的适应度函数值,如果粒子当前的适应度函数优于粒子历史适应度,则进行粒子位置更新。如果该粒子的适应度比种群最优适应度好,则进行全局最优位置更新。

    3) 位置和速度更新。根据粒子当前位置的适应度函数及种群最优位置到粒子的距离进行粒子位置和速度的更新。

    4) 迭代计算。根据最大迭代次数和适应度函数,反复迭代计算粒子和种群的最优位置,以寻找到全局的最优解。

    本文选取泸定主震中的12个目标台站记录到的地震动进行模拟,这些台站在主余震中都有地震记录,便于进行模拟效果的检验。通过PSO优化算法计算各条特征主成分时程的线性组合系数并进行目标地震动的模拟。我们注意到,51PJW台与51MCL台的模拟时程与实际时程差别较大,可能是由于这两个台站距离震中的距离达到了180 km。在进行主成分分析时,由于大部分台站距离震中较近,较远台站的特征在地震特征中的占比较小,因此主成分特征中含有这两个台站的特征较少,从而导致模拟的效果不太理想。为了更好地模拟距离震中较远的51PJW和51MCL台的地震动时程,在选取特征主成分时程时,用贡献率较低的四个特征主成分时程替换贡献率最高的四个特征主成分时程,利用新的主成分时程组合进行上述两个台站的地震动模拟。考虑到篇幅的影响,图6仅给出了12个选定台站EW方向上的实际记录与模拟的地震动时程的对比结果,其中51LDS台选取的时程为NS分量。从图中对比可以看出,大部分台站模拟的地震动时程与实际记录的地震动时程具有很好的相似性,特征主成分时程包含了此次地震的大部分特征,模拟的地震动时程较好地还原了实际地震记录的随机性和非平稳性。

    图  6  目标台站实际地震动时程(红色)与模拟时程(蓝色)的对比
    Figure  6.  Comparison of the actual ground seismic motion time histories (in red) with the simulated ones (in blue) for the target stations

    实际地震动记录的反应谱与模拟地震动时程反应谱的对比结果如图7所示,可以看出大部分台站的模拟效果较好,在高频和低频段模拟值和实际值的误差均较小,其中51MNT台和51HYQ台站EW方向地震动记录的模拟结果存在一定误差。通过对比主震和余震数据发现,在两次地震中51MNT台的PGA值分布较周围其它台站明显偏大,且EW向和NS向数值远远大于UD向,同时与其它台站的反应谱相比,该台的反应谱实际值在0.2—0.5 s之间有较大的凸起,可能由局部的地形效应所致,所提取的特征并不是此次地震的主要特征,因而模拟的效果较差。51HYQ台的记录波形与反应谱部分频段的一致性差异较明显,这与特征提取时得到的特征主成分时程的频谱特性有关。局部场地放大效应导致该台记录到的反应谱在高频段有较大的波动,目标台站模拟时所得反应谱在这些频段出现较大误差,而特征主成分时程的系数在进行组合时多集中在距离较近的高频段,导致时程也出现较大误差。为了更好地确定51HYQ台和51MNT台的数据对特征主成分时程的贡献,在去除这两个台站数据的情况下进行主成分分析,结果显示95%贡献率的特征主成分时程由15个降至12个,且地震动时程与反应谱的模拟情况与未去除前的模拟结果基本一致,表明这两个台站的数据在本次地震动模拟中的贡献率较小。

    图  7  目标台站实际反应谱(红色)与模拟反应谱(蓝色)的对比
    Figure  7.  Comparison of the actual response spectra (in red) with the simulated ones (in blue) for the target stations

    图8给出了本次模拟中各台站特征主成分时程的组合系数,可见对不同目标台站的地震动时程进行模拟时,所提取的15条特征主成分时程的系数差别较大,反映了地震动本身的随机性。图9给出了各台站模拟值与实际值的峰值加速度对比,可见大部分台站的峰值加速度差别较小,误差较大的是距离震中85 km的51JLT台,其记录的峰值加速度与衰减关系存在较大差异,在主成分分析中可能对此特征的提取不足,在PSO算法模拟时主要是利用反应谱来进行误差函数的约束,同时因多系数耦合进行特征主成分时程系数的求解只能选取反应谱误差最小的全局最优解的组合系数来进行模拟,所以部分台站模拟的误差较大。

    图  8  各台站特征主成分时程组合系数ki
    Figure  8.  Combination coefficients ki of feature principal component time histories at each station
    图  9  各台站模拟峰值加速度及其误差
    Figure  9.  Simulated PGAs and their errors at each station


    1) 利用主成分分析法能够从余震的地震动数据中提取到具有此次地震信息的特征主成分时程,其中包含了地震的震源模型、路径效应及场地响应等主要信息;

    2) 利用粒子群优化算法,并将反应谱和峰值加速度作为约束条件,可以快速高效地求解特征主成分时程的组合系数,且模拟主震的结果与真实结果的一致性较好;

    3) 在进行小区域地震动模拟时,选取的地震动数据应具有一致的地形效应,以避免部分台站记录的特殊地形效应造成模拟数据主成分的缺失。



  • 图  7   目标台站实际反应谱(红色)与模拟反应谱(蓝色)的对比

    Figure  7.   Comparison of the actual response spectra (in red) with the simulated ones (in blue) for the target stations

    图  1   2022年泸定MS6.8地震及其MS5.0余震的震中位置和台站分布

    Figure  1.   Locations of MS6.8 Luding earthquake in 2022 and its aftershock with MS5.0 and distribution of seismic stations

    图  2   2022年泸定MS6.8地震的MS5.0余震的地震动衰减关系

    Figure  2.   Ground motion attenuation relationship of the MS5.0 aftershock of the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake

    图  3   本文所用主成分分析法(PCA)的地震动模拟流程

    Figure  3.   Ground motion simulation flow of principal component analysis (PCA) used in this study

    图  4   基于主成分分析法进行特征提取而得到的2022年泸定MS5.0余震的特征主成分时程

    Figure  4.   Feature principal component time histories of the MS5.0 Luding aftershock based on feature extraction by the principal component analysis algorithm

    图  5   泸定MS5.0余震的特征波贡献率

    Figure  5.   Contribution rate of feature principal component time histories of the MS5.0 Luding aftershock

    图  6   目标台站实际地震动时程(红色)与模拟时程(蓝色)的对比

    Figure  6.   Comparison of the actual ground seismic motion time histories (in red) with the simulated ones (in blue) for the target stations

    图  8   各台站特征主成分时程组合系数ki

    Figure  8.   Combination coefficients ki of feature principal component time histories at each station

    图  9   各台站模拟峰值加速度及其误差

    Figure  9.   Simulated PGAs and their errors at each station

    表  1   2022年泸定MS6.8地震的MS5.0余震的地震动信息

    Table  1   Ground seismic motion information of the MS5.0 aftershock of the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake

    台站 场地类型 台站位置 震中距/km PGA/(cm·s−2
    东经/° 北纬/° EW NS UD
    51HYJ 土层 102.6 29.5 56.5 5.5 6.3 −4.5
    51HYQ 土层 102.6 29.6 55.1 −6.8 9.2 5.2
    51JLT 土层 101.5 29.0 85.1 17.4 −17.4 −17.4
    51LDJ 土层 102.2 29.7 19.2 −50.6 −59.9 34.4
    51LDL 土层 102.2 29.8 26.8 52.6 51.0 28.7
    51LDS 土层 102.2 29.9 36.2 −9.9 11.2 9.1
    51MND 土层 102.2 28.8 91.6 −3.6 1.2 3.0
    51SMC 土层 102.3 29.1 62.5 −6.0 2.9 7.1
    51SMX 土层 102.3 29.3 43.3 −9.5 −6.0 10.6
    51SWH 土层 103.6 29.3 155.9 −2.9 2.8 1.4
    51MNA 土层 102.2 28.6 113.5 2.4 −2.9 1.7
    51MNT 土层 102.2 28.5 124.5 −10.1 −10.0 −3.2
    51EMS 土层 103.4 29.6 132.5 −2.8 2.3 1.6
    51PJW 土层 103.7 30.3 178.2 −3.7 −4.4 −0.7
    51MCL 土层 103.7 28.9 180.2 −2.7 3.3 1.2
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