
Study of the Songyuan, Jilin, earthquake sequence in 2017−2018

  • 摘要: 本文利用主地震相对定位法,对2017年7月18日—2018年7月15日期间发生在2018年松原MS5.7地震震中附近的地震进行了重新定位,并对松原地震序列进行了分析,得到如下结果:① 松原地震破裂面的走向为SW向,倾角较陡,接近直立,倾向为NW向;② 研究区范围内的地震震源深度大部分比主震浅;③ 主震发生前的地震显示出震源深度逐渐加深的过程,主震发生后,地震的震源深度则逐渐变浅。根据上述结果,结合研究区的地震构造背景及松原地震震源机制解的综合分析结果表明,本次地震的破裂面走向为NE−SW向,其发震断层可能为一条NE−SW向的隐伏断层。


    Abstract: Using the master event relative location method, the earthquakes near the Songyuan MS5.7 earthquake occurred from 18 July 2017 to 15 July 2018 have been relocated. The Song-yuan earthquake sequence was analyzed. The results show that: ① The rupture plane for the Songyuan MS5.7 earthquake strikes south-west direction with deep angle and dips to north-west, nearly upright. ② Most of earthquakes are located above the main shock. There are very few earthquakes with the focal depth greater than that of the main shock. ③ The focal depths of the earthquakes increase with time prior to the main shock and decrease with time after the main shock. According to the above results, combining with tectonic conditions and focal mechanisms, we can infer that the rupture surface of the Songyuan MS5.7 earthquake strikes NE−SW, and a blind fault with a strike of NE−SW could be the seismogenic fault.


