In order to explore whether there was a dynamic stress trigger relationship between seismic activities in Jiujiang-Ruichang region, this paper calculated the dynamic Coulomb failure stress (CFS) changes caused by the 2005
MS5.7 Jiujiang-Ruichang earthquake and 2011
MS4.6 Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake based on the multi-layer viscoelastic medium model. The results show that the dynamic CFS changes caused by the Jiujiang-Ruichang
MS5.7 earthquake had a triggering effect on the occurrence of 53 earthquakes in the northeast direction. Within 15 days after the occurrence of the Ruichang-Yangxin
MS4.6 earthquake, the multiple events in the triggered region and the source region of the Jiujiang-Ruichang
MS5.7 earthquake were all subjected to the triggering effect of dynamic CFS change caused by the
MS4.6 earthquake.