
Preliminary investigation on the historical M8 earthquake occurred in 7 BC at Baotou, Inner Mongolia

  • 摘要: 公元前7年11月11日(汉成帝绥和二年九月丙辰)地震, 由于历史文献记载的不确定性, 长期存在分歧, 也没有学者开展过调查研究, 中国地震目录均未收入. 考古发现包头市麻池周边汉代部分木椁墓中木椁四周填塞的碎砖瓦陶片及文字瓦当, 是房屋毁坏以后的建筑垃圾和日用陶器残片的混合物, 这些房屋是在公元前52年(甘露二年)到公元前33年(竞宁元年)以后在麻池古城(汉五原郡)建成的. 上述房屋的毁坏发生在西汉晚期的墓葬稍前. 房屋毁坏的原因, 可排除自然因素、 战争及人为破坏, 更可能是由于突发性的地震灾害所致. 公元前7年地震正好发生在这一时期, 并使北边郡国30余处坏城郭, 凡压杀400余人. 根据木椁四周填塞碎砖瓦陶片的汉墓分析, 麻池古城房屋、 殿堂遭受严重破坏, 死亡人数达200人以上, 地震及其它天灾人祸, 使麻池古城逐渐衰退, 最后荒废. 结合大青山山前断裂所形成的距今2 000年前的地震形变带遗迹综合分析, 公元前7年11月11日地震宏观震中在麻池一带, 震中烈度为Ⅹ度, 震级达8级, 命名为内蒙古包头8级地震.


    Abstract: A historical M8 earthquake occurred on November 11, 7 BC (September Bingchen, the second year of Suihe, Han dynasty) has not been incorporated in the chinese historical earthquake catalogs, as the historical records are ambiguous. A lot of pieces of broken potsherds, bricks and tile-ends with words were found by archaeological excavation in the coffin of ancient tomb at Machi ancient town of Baotou. These were the broken pieces of daily use potteries and the destructive building wastes, and the house was completed built during 52 BC (the second year of Ganlu) to 33 BC (the first year of Jingning). According to historical materials a strong earthquake occurred during this period and the city walls of more than 30 places in northern prefectures were damaged and 400 people were killed, while more than 200 persons were killed at Machi ancient town which was destroyed and then disappeared. Therefore, the destroyed buildings buried before the late Western Han dynasty might be caused by the strong earthquake and other natural disasters or wars. With additional information on the seismic ground deformation, which are estimated to form 2000 years ago and found along the front fault of Daqinshan, it is suggested that the event occurred on Novemher 11, 7 BC, at Machi ancient town of Baotou, Inner Mogolia, can be named as Baotou earthquake with M8 and meizoseismal intensity X.


