
Investigation on 1831 earthquakenortheast of Fengtai, Anhui Province, and its parameter modificatio

  • 摘要: 公元1831年(清道光十一年)安徽凤台曾发生一次破坏性地震,史料记载情况基本一致,但现有各版地震目录所确定的震中位置存在分歧,震中位置竟多达4处.在分析已有资料的基础上,作者对该地震进行了实地考察.经综合分析认为,应当对此次地震的宏观震中进行调整,震中位置应改为32.88deg;N、116.89deg;E,名称相应变更为ldquo;安徽怀远西南地震rdquo;.同时认为此次地震原来所确定的震级(61/4)偏大.


    Abstract: Abstract:: A destructive earthquake occurred in 1831 near Fengtai county, Anhui province. Historical archives had consistent records, but the epicentral locations were diverse in different catalogues, having 4 debated sites. After analyzing existing data, the authors had carried on field investigation on the candidate sites of the earthquake. With comprehensive analysis, we consider that the location of macroscopic epicenter should be modified. The new epicenter is at (32.88deg;N,116.89deg;E), and the event name should be revised as ldquo;the earthquake in Southwest Huaiyuan county, Anhui Province, in 1831rdquo;. Meanwhile, the previously estimated magnitude (61/4) is considered to be higher than it should be.


