摘要: 本文对唐山地震区的深地震测深资料进行了分析解释。结果表明,该区地壳结构的几个特点,与大陆地区的强震发生有明显关系。 在该震区,相应于不同记录剖面的不同地段,其地壳结构可分为三种类型:类型Ⅰ,类型Ⅱ和类型Ⅲ。每种类型都有它们独特的速度——深度分布。在两种类型的地壳结构边界,或者边界附近,通常存在莫霍界面深度的急剧变化,这种变化可视为某种类型的断层。上述三种类型地壳结构的差异,主要是由上地幔物质向地壳的垂直迁移程度不同造成的。震中区的地壳结构,显示出极高度的物质迁移。然而,应该指出,现今地壳结构是在漫长的地质年代里,经过多次变形积累而形成的。因此,这种结构特征,是表示过去的构造活动痕迹,还是表示现今的构造活动,尚难定论。如我们将不同类型地壳结构的边界,与剥去第三纪的地质构造图进行对比,可以发现,不同地壳结构类型的分界,恰与一定的古老地质构造边界相符合。象北京——天津——唐山这样距离海洋不远的地区,古老的不同种类的小地质体,可能在古代的全球构造运动中聚集起来,并粘结在一起。 1976年唐山主震发生在地壳结构类型Ⅱ内、靠近类型Ⅰ的边界处。因此,唐山地震可能是由于上地幔物质向上迁移的结果,也可能是由于板块的横向挤压、引起脆弱边界重新活化的结果。另有一点是,Abstract: In the present paper, the authors discuss the different phases in DSS profile records obtained from Tangshan, and the methods of their interpretations. The DSS data of some profiles running through the Tangshan epicentral region show that the crustal structure in this region is characterized by some special features, which may bear some significant relations to the cause of the occurence of a great earthquake in continintal region.In this area, the earths crust are of three different types, each of which exhibits some peculiar features in velocity structure. An abrupt change of depth of Moho and hence a certain type of faulting usually occurs at or near the boundary between two areas of different types of crust. The difference between different crustal structures may be largely due to the difference in degree of vertical migration of-materials from the uppermost mantle into the crust. The crustal strusture of the epicentral region exhibits the highest degree of material migration from the uppermost mantle in to the lower crust. However, the present crustal structure is a collective fossil inherited from a long span of geological time. Therefore, it is still not very clear whether the migration processes which seem to have been very prominent in the past, are still working effectively at the present. A comparison has been made of the boundaries between different types of crustal structure with the geological map in which the Tertiary surface layer has been stripped off. If is striking that the boundary between different crustal structures is in coincidence with a certain ancient geological map. It is possible that in such an area as Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan, which is not very far from the coast, different kinds of small ancient geological bodies have been brought together and cemented by ancient global tectonic processes. The main shock of Tangshan earthquake of 1976 occured in the crustal structure of type Ⅱ and near the boundary of the crustal structure of type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ. Therefore, either the occurence of Tang-shan earthquake is due to vertical migration of material from the uppermost mantle into the crust, or it is caused by the reactivation of the weak zone while the whole region is at present under the action of a certain tectonic force. However, it is quite certain that in the area with crustal structure of type Ⅱ, the middle crustal layer has negligible thickness or is totally absent. Since the upper part of the crust may be brittle, it will easily collapse under the action of present tectonic stress.