田宝峰 杨建思 刘 莎 郑 钰 姜旭东 徐志强. 2012: 南极地震学研究进展. 地震学报, 34(2): 267-279.
引用本文: 田宝峰 杨建思 刘 莎 郑 钰 姜旭东 徐志强. 2012: 南极地震学研究进展. 地震学报, 34(2): 267-279.
Tian Baofeng Yang Jiansi Liu Sha Zheng Yu Jiang Xudong Xu Zhiqiang. 2012: Progress of seismological research in Antarctica region. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 34(2): 267-279.
Citation: Tian Baofeng Yang Jiansi Liu Sha Zheng Yu Jiang Xudong Xu Zhiqiang. 2012: Progress of seismological research in Antarctica region. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 34(2): 267-279.


  • 中图分类号: P315.3

Progress of seismological research in Antarctica region

  • 摘要: 归纳总结了在南极开展地震学研究中的各种主要方法及其研究成果,较全面地介绍了南极地震学研究的现状与进展.首先对南极地震活动性作了简单的介绍,然后分别介绍了利用面波和体波研究地壳上地幔结构的主要成果,最后从地震各向异性的角度归纳介绍了南极大陆部分区域面波方位各向异性及剪切波分裂研究的主要成果.研究表明,南极大陆地震活动性较低、地震强度较小,仅在横贯南极山脉区域、维多利亚地、阿黛利地、威尔克斯地等有较明显的地震活动; 横贯南极山脉将南极大陆分为东南极和西南极两个不同的地质构造区域,东南极地壳和上地幔地震波速度偏高,西南极则偏低;上地幔各向异性较为明显并普遍存在,且西南极各向异性强度稍高于东南极克拉通.
    Abstract: This paper gives a comprehensive review on the progress and current status of seismic research in Antarctica region, including summary of the applied seismic techniques and obtained results. Firstly, we introduce the seismic activity in Antarctica and surrounding area, then we talk about the crust and upper mantle structure constructed by surface wave and body wave inversion. Finally, the seismic anisotropic structures inferred from Rayleigh wave and shear wave splitting in Antarctica are reviewed. These studies have revealed that the seismicity level and earthquake magnitude of the Antarctic plate are relatively low, and obvious seismic activity were only observed at Transantarctic Mountain, Victoria Land, Adelie Land and Wilkes Land. The Transantarctic Mountain divides the Antarctic plate into two different tectonic units, with the crust and upper mantle of West Antarctica having lower seismic velocity and East Antarctica showing higher velocity. Significant seismic anisotropy has also been detected beneath the whole Antarctic plate and the anisotropy strength of the West Antarctica is higher than that of East Antarctica.
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  • 发布日期:  2012-03-18


