
高世玉, 丁山

高世玉, 丁山. 1993: 关于远震Pn波列的实验研究. 地震学报, 15(1): 97-102.
引用本文: 高世玉, 丁山. 1993: 关于远震Pn波列的实验研究. 地震学报, 15(1): 97-102.


  • 摘要: 借助地震模型实验,讨论了深部的低速层力学性质及高速层厚度对地震波水平传播的影响;指出由软弱的低速层和坚硬的高速薄层组成的下部岩石层结构,有利于地震能量沿水平方向传播,是解释远距离上出现强的 Pn 及高速续至波的很可能的结构模式;也阐述了这种解释同已有的关于大洋中脊及大陆裂谷区域内岩石层下部流变学分层的研究结果相一致.
  • [1] 高世玉、周勋、丁山、赵鸿儒、刘宝诚,1989.关于高速夹层的地震模型实验.地球物理学报,32,专辑I, 1——10.

    [2] 胡鸿翔、陈学波、张碧秀、宋文荣、肖志红、何正勤,1986.中国中原地区随县——安阳剖面深地震测深资料的解释.地震学报,8, 37——49.

    [3] Aki, K. , 1968. Seismological evidences for the existence of soft thin layers in the upper mantle under Japan. J. Geophys. Res.,73, 585——594.

    [4] El——Isa, Z.,Mechie, J. and Prodehh C.,1987. Shear velocity structure of Jorden from explosion seismic data. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc.,90, 265——281.

    [5] Jorden, T. H. and Frazer, L. N.,1975. Crustal and upper mantle structure from SP phases. J. Geop人ys. Res., 80, 1504——1518.

    [6] Kind, R.,1974. Long range propagation of seismic energy in the lower lithosphere. J. Geophys.,40, 189——202.

    [7] Ranalli, G. and Murphy, D. C.,1987. Rheological stratification of the lithosphere. Tectonophysics. 132, 281——295.

    [8] Talandier, J. and Bouchon, M.,1979. Propagation of high frequency Pn waves at great distances in the Central and South Pacific and its implication for the structure of the lower lithosphere. J. Geophys. Res.,84, B10, 5613——5619.

    [9] Шамина,О,Г.,1965.Затухание головных волн от тонких слоев плоев при жестком и скользящем контакте.Фцзцка Землц,3,11——21.

    [1] 高世玉、周勋、丁山、赵鸿儒、刘宝诚,1989.关于高速夹层的地震模型实验.地球物理学报,32,专辑I, 1——10.

    [2] 胡鸿翔、陈学波、张碧秀、宋文荣、肖志红、何正勤,1986.中国中原地区随县——安阳剖面深地震测深资料的解释.地震学报,8, 37——49.

    [3] Aki, K. , 1968. Seismological evidences for the existence of soft thin layers in the upper mantle under Japan. J. Geophys. Res.,73, 585——594.

    [4] El——Isa, Z.,Mechie, J. and Prodehh C.,1987. Shear velocity structure of Jorden from explosion seismic data. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc.,90, 265——281.

    [5] Jorden, T. H. and Frazer, L. N.,1975. Crustal and upper mantle structure from SP phases. J. Geop人ys. Res., 80, 1504——1518.

    [6] Kind, R.,1974. Long range propagation of seismic energy in the lower lithosphere. J. Geophys.,40, 189——202.

    [7] Ranalli, G. and Murphy, D. C.,1987. Rheological stratification of the lithosphere. Tectonophysics. 132, 281——295.

    [8] Talandier, J. and Bouchon, M.,1979. Propagation of high frequency Pn waves at great distances in the Central and South Pacific and its implication for the structure of the lower lithosphere. J. Geophys. Res.,84, B10, 5613——5619.

    [9] Шамина,О,Г.,1965.Затухание головных волн от тонких слоев плоев при жестком и скользящем контакте.Фцзцка Землц,3,11——21.

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