摘要: 地震测深数据处理系统的建立是为了利用现代技术,实现从野外观测到剖面解释的自动化处理。本研究中,模拟磁带记录通过相应的解调系统,使时间讯号与地震讯号分别送入计算机进行模数转换,其数字化的PS格式磁带又经过解编与拼装形成标准化的CGG格式磁带,各记录道的参数和观测数据分别被记入带头与数据块中。这种标准化的磁带格式便于进行国内外资料交流和调用产业部门的应用软件。该系统采用相关迭加技术使正点时刻的确定精度提高到5—10ms。利用Robbins公式高精度地测定了方位角和炮检距。绘制时间剖面图的程序具有简便通用和功能较全的特点。本研究结果已经用于实际工作中,取得了良好的效果。Abstract: The establishment of Data Processing System for Deep Seismic Sounding is for the automatization and standardizaticjn of data processing from observation through interpretation of record sections by computer hardware and software. The present paper presents the results of the first stage of th's project which will be fallowed by two more researches of pre-processing of record section and interpretation of the profile.Considering the present computer facilities in China, analogue records of time and seismic signals are first passed through a demodulator unit and converted to digital with PSformat by computer PS-600. After code reassemble a new magnetic tape with standard CGGformat can be generated and all (basic parameters about the receivers are written on the header and data block of the tape. Such kind of code format is more easily utilized in different computers. The precision of time determination for a full-hour on the record is about 5—10 ms. Bobbins formula is applied to precisely determine the distance and azimuth between shot point and receiver. The program plotting record seetilon is off easy operation and suitable for multi-purpose applications.This system has been utilized in practice with good results.