摘要: 本文全面系统地研究了1960——1987年广州地磁台转换函数的变化.结果表明:(1)季节变化的特点是夏季幅度大,冬季幅度小,具有12和6个月的主要周期成份;长期变化则表现以每年0.0025的速率下降.转换函数 B 的长期变化和季节变化不明显;(2)由转换函数 A,B 求出的帕金森矢量的方向明显地受海洋的影响,反映了海洋效应;(3)转换函数 A,B 的逐月值与地磁活动相关,而年均值与地磁活动无关.A 的年均值无明显的11年或22年周期.长期变化可能主要受地球内部电性结构的影响.Abstract: Time changes in transfer functions of short period geomagnetic variations in 28 years from 1960 through 1987 are studied, systematically and in detail in this paper. The results indicate that : (1) It is evident that seasonal and secular changes in the transfer functions A at exists the Guangzhou geomagenetic observatory. The character for seasonal change are large in summer and smaller in winter with main cycles of 12 months and 6 months. The character for secular change is a descend with a rate of 0.0025 per year. The seasonal and secular changes in transfer functions B are not evident. (2)The direction of Parkinson vector at Guangzhou geomagnetic observatory is clearly affected by the ocean, and is associated with coastal effect. (3)The values of transfer functions A and B are related to geomagnetic activity at = 0.05. Secular change is not related to geomagnetic activity, maybe it is affected in a great measure by earth conductivity change.
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[2] 祁贵仲、詹志佳、侯作中、范国华、王志刚、白彤霞. 1981.渤海地区地磁短周期变化异常,地慢高导层分布及其与唐山地震的关系.中国科学,7: 869——879.
[3] Gong. S. J. 1985. Anomalous changes in transfer functions and the 1976 Tangshan EaRhquake(M、7.8),J. Genrg. Geaelectr., 37, 503——508.
[4] Sano. Y. and Nakapma. S——1982. Secular and seasonal variations of transfer functions at Kakioka from March 1977 to April 1981. Merrm Kakioko Mag Obs., 19, 33——50.
[5] Chen. P. F.,1981. A search for correlation between time change in north Taiwan. J. Gennwg. Geoelectr,33.635——643.
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[7] Parkinson. W. D.,1962. The influence of continents and oceans on geomagnetic variations. Geophh.s, J. R.ustr. Soc——6. 441——449.
[8] Schmucker. U——1970. Anomalies of geomagnetic variations in the southwestern United States. Bull. Soc.slast. Oceanokr.,131——221.
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[10] Rikitake. T., 1976. Crustal dilatancy and geomagnetic variations of short period. J. Geurrerg. Geoelertr. 28,145——156.
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