摘要: 利用数字盒式磁带记录加速度仪组成的流动地震台网所记录的三分向近场加速度图,通过矩张量反演确定了1985年4月18日云南禄劝 Ms=6.1地震的部分余震的震源机制.以均匀半无限弹性介质的格林函数解释路径效应,并通过正演计算识别由两次积分得到的位移地震图中的直达 P 波、直达 S 波和 SP 转换波震相,然后用这些震相进行矩张量反演.反演结果表明,在解超定线性方程组时,采用适当的加权系数,可使上述直达波和转换波的理论计算值与观测值拟合得较好.尽管用以反演的三个余震大小不同(震级 ML48,3.2,3.5),震源位置也有差别,但它们的震源机制却非常接近,且与主震的震源机制相当一致.这一特征显示了余震的发生与主震发震构造的内在联系.这些实例说明,由震源球球面上分布适宜的数字地震台网取得的近场加速度资料,借助于即使是简单的介质模型,通过地震矩张量反演,不但可以得出这些地震震源的主要成份————剪切位错源,同时还可得出震源所含的其它成分,如膨胀源和补偿线性向量偶极.Abstract: Based on the three-component accelerograms, recorded at near-field distance by a temporary seismic network consisting of digital cassette tape reacording accelerographs, the focal mechanisms of three aftershocks of the April 18, 1985, Luquan, Yunnan Province, China, earthquake of magnitude Ms=6.1, are calculated using moment tensor inversion technique. The phases of direct P, S and converted SP waves in the displacement seismograms, produced by twice integration of the observed accelerograms, are identified via forward calculation using Green's functions for homogeneous semi-infinite elastic medium, and used in the inversion. The results of inversion show that a better fit of synthetic to the observed seismograms of direct as well as converted phases can be achieved if appropriate weighting functions are used in solving the over-definite linear equations. While these aftershocks are of different magnitudes (ML=4.8, 3.2 and 3.5, respectively) and hypocentral locations, their focal mechanisms are very similar and consistent with that of the main shock. This feature demonstrates the intrinsic correlation between the occurrence of aftershocks and the seismogeneic fault of main shock. Our experimentations show that using the near-field accelerogram obtained from the digital seismic network with appropriate azimuthal coverage on the focal sphere, with the aid of even simple earth model, not only the shear dislocation source, but also the isotropic part and CLVD (compensated linear vector dipole) can be retrieved by the technique of moment tensor inversion.
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[12] Barker, J. S. and Langston, C. A., 1982. Moment tensor inversion of complex earthquakes·Geophys. J. R.9.soc.,68. 777——803.
[13] Stump. B. W. and Johnson. L. R,1984. Nearfield source characterization ofcontained nuclear explosion in tuff Bull. Seisrn. Soc. Arur. 74, 1——26.
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[15] 吴明熙、王鸣、孙次昌、柯兆明、王培德、陈运泰、吴大铭,1990. 1985年地震部分余震的精确定位.地球物理学报,12, 2. 121——129.
[16] Lamb, H——1904. On the propagation of tremors over the surface of an elastic solid. Phil. Truns. R. Sm. London. A203,1——42.
[17] Johnson. J. R.,1974. Green's function for Lamb's problem. Geopftl}.s. J. R.4.str. Soc.,37, 91——131.
[18] Dix. C. H——1954. The method of Cagniard in seismic pulse problem. Geophrsic.s, 19, 722——738.
[19] Cagniard. L., 1962. ReJlectiort and Refraction of Progreesive Seismic Waves. Translated and revised by Flinn,E. A. and Dix. C. H.,McGrawHilh New York.
[20] De Hoop. A. T.,1960. A modification of Cagniard's method for solving seismic pulse problems. Appl. Sci.Rcs. 88, 349——356.[1] Stump, B. W. and Johnson, L. R. 1977. The determination of source properties by the linear inversion of seismograms. Bull. Seism. Soc. Anger., 67. 1489——1502.
[2] Gilbert, F, and Dziewonski, A. M——1975. An application of normal mode theory to the retrieval of structural parameters and source mechanisms from seismic spectra. Phil. Truns. R. Soc,278, 187——269
[3] McCowan, D. W. 1976. Moment tensor representation of surface wave sources. Geophys. J. R. A.str. Su 44. 595——599.
[4] Mendigurcn, J. A.,1977. lnvcrsion of surface wave data in source mechanism studies. J. Geophys. Res.,82. 889——894.
[5] Aki. K, and Patton. H.,1978. Determination of seismic moment tensor using surface waves. Tectnnophysics.49. 213——222.
[6] Kanamori. H. and Given, J. W, 1981. Use of longperiod surface waves for rapid determination of earthquak source parameters, Piys. Furth Planet. Interiors,27. 8——31.
[7] Romannowicz, B——1982. Moment tensor inversion of long period Rayleigh waves:A new approach. J. Geophys. Res.,87. 5395——5407.
[8] Lay. T,Given. J. W. and Kanamori, H., 1982. Long——period mechanism of the 8 November 1980 Eureka, California, earthquake.Bull. Seism. S'oc. Anger., 72. 439——456.
[9] Fitch, T. J.,.McCowan, D. W. and Shields, M. W.,1980. Estimation of the seismic moment tensor from teleseismic body wave data with applications to intraplate and mantle earthquakes. J. Geophys. Res., 15,3817——3828
[10] Longston, C. A., 1981. Source inversion of seismic waveforms: The Koyna. India, earthquakes of 13 September 1967 Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer.,71, 1——24.
[11] Doornbos. D. J.,1982. Seismic moment tensors and kinematic source parameters. Geophy.s. J. R. Astr. Sor.,69. 235——251.
[12] Barker, J. S. and Langston, C. A., 1982. Moment tensor inversion of complex earthquakes·Geophys. J. R.9.soc.,68. 777——803.
[13] Stump. B. W. and Johnson. L. R,1984. Nearfield source characterization ofcontained nuclear explosion in tuff Bull. Seisrn. Soc. Arur. 74, 1——26.
[14] Lanczos, C. 1961. Linear Differential Operators. Van Nostrand, London, 564.
[15] 吴明熙、王鸣、孙次昌、柯兆明、王培德、陈运泰、吴大铭,1990. 1985年地震部分余震的精确定位.地球物理学报,12, 2. 121——129.
[16] Lamb, H——1904. On the propagation of tremors over the surface of an elastic solid. Phil. Truns. R. Sm. London. A203,1——42.
[17] Johnson. J. R.,1974. Green's function for Lamb's problem. Geopftl}.s. J. R.4.str. Soc.,37, 91——131.
[18] Dix. C. H——1954. The method of Cagniard in seismic pulse problem. Geophrsic.s, 19, 722——738.
[19] Cagniard. L., 1962. ReJlectiort and Refraction of Progreesive Seismic Waves. Translated and revised by Flinn,E. A. and Dix. C. H.,McGrawHilh New York.
[20] De Hoop. A. T.,1960. A modification of Cagniard's method for solving seismic pulse problems. Appl. Sci.Rcs. 88, 349——356.
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