
闫丽莉 屈春燕 温少妍 单新建

闫丽莉 屈春燕 温少妍 单新建. 2012: 卫星热红外亮温、气温及地温观测的年变变化对比研究. 地震学报, 34(2): 257-266.
引用本文: 闫丽莉 屈春燕 温少妍 单新建. 2012: 卫星热红外亮温、气温及地温观测的年变变化对比研究. 地震学报, 34(2): 257-266.
Yan Lili Qu Chunyan Wen Shaoyan Shan Xinjiancom sh. 2012: A comparison study on annual variation of thermal infraredbrightness temperature and land temperaturefrom meteorological stations. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 34(2): 257-266.
Citation: Yan Lili Qu Chunyan Wen Shaoyan Shan Xinjiancom sh. 2012: A comparison study on annual variation of thermal infraredbrightness temperature and land temperaturefrom meteorological stations. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 34(2): 257-266.


  • 中图分类号: P315.72+8

A comparison study on annual variation of thermal infraredbrightness temperature and land temperaturefrom meteorological stations

  • 摘要: 过对NOAA卫星热红外亮温与野外安装气象观测站接收的气温、地下不同深度地温(0.2, 0.5, 1.5,2 m)进行不同方式的对比研究,分析了卫星热红外亮温、气温、地下不同深度地温的变化特征,探讨了亮温与气温及不同深度地温之间的关系.结果表明:① 卫星热红外亮温观测,由于受天气、云层短周期因素变化影响,曲线呈现高频突跳特征,但按最大值拟合出的亮温曲线有较好的年变变化规律;② 浅层地温受气温及太阳辐射的影响较大,能够体现出日变化,表现出很好的季节变化规律;③ 深层地温年变平稳, 年变变化与季节相关.但与气温相比,表现出滞后效应,且深度越深,滞后时间越长;④ 亮温、气温及深度0.2 m地温三者之间呈现很好的相关性.亮温、气温、0.2 m地温的极值几乎同时段出现,都符合季节变化.分析表明,亮温能够真实地反映地表温度的变化情况,能够为利用卫星热红外亮温提取地震异常信息提供可靠准确证据.本研究结果为理解不同观测属性及其相互关系,以及更好地为地震监测应用提供了基础.
    Abstract: It is of significance to understand the relationship between thermal infrared brightness temperature and land temperature from observation stations, in order to know the observational accuracy of brightness temperature and the difference among temperatures of different meaning. In this study, NOAA thermal infrared BT and meteorological data from meteorological stations are compared and studied in different ways. The result shows: ① In the observation of BT from TIR, due to influence of short period variation such as weather or cloud, diurnal variation present in high frequency and sudden jump. However, the brightness curve fitted with maximum BT has better annual variation regularity. ② Land temperature of superficial layer shows regular daily and seasonal variation because of the influence of air temperature and solar radiation. ③ Annual variation of land temperature of deep layer is smooth and is correlated with seasonal variation. However, in comparison with air temperature, there is a hysteretic effect, and the deeper the layer is, the longer the lag time. ④ BT and air temperature, and 0.2 m land temperature, reveal a quite good correlation. The extreme value appears almost at the same time, corresponding to seasonal variation. It indicates that BT can reflect variation of land surface temperature, actually providing reliable evidence for using thermal infrared brightness temperature to extract abnormal information of earthquakes.
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  • 发布日期:  2012-03-18


