2010年2月27日智利MW8.8地震前 全球地震活动特征分析

Characteristics of seismic activity before27 February2010 Chile MW8.8 earthquake

  • 摘要: 通过对智利地震前全球不同时空范围地震活动特征分析,发现: ① 智利地震前出现了两类地震空区:第一类空区为1900年以来形成的360 km长的MWge;8.0地震空段,第二类空区为震前5年形成的780 km长的Mge;5.5地震空段; ② 1986——2010年,智利中南部仅发生1次MW7.1地震,表现为显著的MWge;7.0地震平静异常;③ 2007——2009年,南美板块Mge;6.5地震显著平静,平静打破后3个月发生了智利MW8.8地震;④ 1993年以来,南美板块中、深源地震活动显著增强;⑤ 智利地震的发生是2004年开始的全球MWge;8.5地震活跃时段的继续发展,根据前2个活跃时段的特点,认为今后数年全球还将发生数次MWge;8.5地震,且环太平洋地震带是MWge;8.0地震的主体活动地区.


    Abstract: Spatio-temporal variation of seismic activity before the greatChileearthquake on February 27, 2010, is studied. Some results are as follows: ① Two types of seismic gaps appeared before the Chile MW8.8 shock. One is the background gap of MWge;8.0 earthquakes with360 kmlong since 1900. The other is the seismogenic gap of Mge;5.5 earthquakes with780 kmlong 5 years before the Chile earthquake. ② There was only one earthquake with MW7.1 inmiddle and southern part of Chile from 1986 to 2010. This is the long-term background anomaly of the obvious quiescence of MWge;7.0 earthquakes before the Chile earthquake. ③ The quiescence of earthquakes with Mge;6.5 appeared in South American Plate and its vicinity during 2007mdash;2009, and the quietude state has been disappeared three months before the MW8.8 shock. ④The deep and intermediate-depth earthquake activity has been noticeably strengthened in the subduction zone of South American Plate since 1993. ⑤ The great Chile earthquake shows that the global seismicity is still in the active period of MWge;8.5 earthquakes since 2004. Based on the characteristics of the former two active periods, several MWge;8.5 great earthquakes would take place in a few years. In addition, the circumPacific seismic belt would be the main region for MWge;8.0 earthquakes.


