

  • 摘要: 768无线地震遥测设备是为在电信传输地震台网的网点间不易架设明线,或线路容量不足的场合使用而专门设计的,当然,也可用于受大地震破坏的现场.该设备是由一对超短波发射机与接收机构成,采用二次调频.它既可直接与单分向短周期地震计连接传输0.5HZ-25HZ 的地震模拟信号,也可直接与专门设计的多路数字前兆遥测设备配合使用传输0.2HZ-20HZ 的 CHDB4码(相容高密度二进制码).因而可用来传输地电、地磁、地应力、地倾斜等多种地球物理量.该仪器自1977年7月起先后在北京、上海、天津台网进行了实地传输试验,其后又在昆明地震台网使用了一年多.结果表明,该仪器轻便、灵活、稳定、可靠,有较强的抗干扰性.当天线架设高度足够时,最远传输距离可达115公里.


    Abstract: The type 768 radio seismic telemetry equipment has been designed for the use in case when installation between points of a seismic station network is difficult or in those places where the line capacity is not enough. Of course, it can also meet the need in the areas immediately after the occurrences of destructive earthquakes.It consists of a pair of ultra shortwave transmitter and receiver. A double frequency modulation was adopted. Not only it can be directly connected to a single component short period seismometer to transmit seismic analogue signals within the frequency range of 0.5 hz to 25 Hz, but also be used in combination with the specially designed multiple-channel digital telemetry system to transmit 0.2 Hz to 20 Hz CHDB4 code (compatible high density binary code). Therefore this equipment is capable to transmit signals like geoelectirc, geomagnetic, ground stress, ground tilt and many other geophysical quantities.Since July 1977, this equipment has been put to actual transmision test at the seismic station networks of Peking, Shanghai and Tientsin. After that, it was installed at the seismic station network of Kunming for more than one year. The results show that this equipment is superior in its portability, sensitivity, stability and immunity from disturbances. For a sufficient antenna height, the distance of transmission can reach about 115 kilometers.


