摘要: 本文依据原地应力测量(套芯解除法90余个,水压致裂法6个),结合油田测井、震源机制解和断层现今活动资料等,综合研究了该地区的现今构造应力场特征,认为: 1.中国大陆东部地区现今构造应力状态似乎具有分区性.华北地区最大主应力方向为近东西向,太行山以西地区转为北北东向,华南地区为北西向.一个地区的主压应力方向在地下几十米至4000米大体是一致的. 2.华北地区地表以下几十米内的最大水平主压应力值一般在2——6MPa,而华南地区似乎比华北地区略高,两区的最大和最小水平主压应力平均差值也不相同。 3.现代活动的郯庐断裂带上,其剪切应力值远低于断裂带以外地区,离断裂带一定距离后,趋于区域正常值. 4.大震的发生,明显地影响极震区的应力场,但在一定时间内能恢复到原有的区域应力状态.Abstract: The characteristics of the modern tec-stress field in the eastern part of the China Mainland are comprehensively studied in this paper based on in-situ stress measurements (overcoring and hydrofractering) combined with logging data of oil-wells, focal mechanism solutions and recent activities of faults.Our finding is as follows:1. The stress state seems to be different in different regions: the direction of major horizontal principal stress in North China is about E-W, the direction in the area to the west of Mt. Taihang is N-NE and in South China almost N-W. The direction of the major principal stress in a region remains the same from tens of meters to 4000 meters below surface.2. The major horizontal principal stress at depth of tens of meters in North China ge-nerolly has a magnitude of 2-6 MPa, slightly less than that in South China. The average differences between the major and minor principal stresses in both regions are also different.3. The shear stress on the active Tanlu fault is much less than that in areas surrounding the fault and tends to the regional magnitude at some distance removed from the fault.4. The occurrence of a major earthquake noticeably affects the stress field in the area surrounding the epicenter but after a certain period of time the stress field will recover its normal state.