
Reassessment of the macro parameters for the Lake Tanganyika earthquake of 13 December 1910 in East Africa

  • 摘要: 1910年12月13日MS7.3东非坦噶尼喀湖大地震是非洲自1880年有地震史以来第一大震。由于该地震发生年代久远、资料稀少,在众多有关东非裂谷的文献中很少被提及。本文根据珍藏在北京中国国家图书馆的一册由德国Huys大主教著述的有关1910年12月13日东非坦噶尼喀湖大地震的德文古籍,经分析研究使用了历史地震“相对烈度”评定法,排除了前震和主震两小时后强余震的破坏重叠效应,首次评估出MS7.3主震的宏观地震参数。结果显示:该地震的宏观震中位于坦噶尼喀湖中部(7°S,30°E),极震区的地震烈度为Ⅷ度,Ⅷ—Ⅵ度等震线的长轴方向为NE-SW。本文结果填补了非洲历史大地震宏观数据库的某些空白,可为几经修订、几经改变的微观地震基本参数提供参考,为微观震源机制候选节面的取舍提供约束。东非坦噶尼喀湖大地震宏观地震参数的评定对有关东非裂谷带西支正处于发育阶段的科学论证补充了新的资料,为坦桑尼亚地震区开展经济建设所必须研究的地震危险性评估提供了重要数据。


    Abstract: The Lake Tanganyika MS7.3 earthquake that occurred in the East African Rift System (EARS) on 13 December 1910 is one of the largest known earthquakes in Africa since 1880, whose seismic history is unrecorded. Because of lack of data, this major earthquake is rarely mentioned in the EARS seismological literature. The analysis reported here is based on a 1911 German language booklet written by Huys, titled " The Lake Tanganyika Earthquake of 13 December 1910”, which is in the collection of the National Library of China. Using the method of historical seismic relative intensity, and by excluding the damage overlap effects from the foreshocks and the strong aftershocks after two hours of the main shock, macro parameters of the MS7.3 main shock are reassessed. The results show that the macro epicenter of the earthquake is located at the central region of Lake Tanganyika (7°S, 30°E) with maximum seismic intensity of Ⅷ and with isoseismals major axis oriented NE−SW. These data fill certain gaps in the records of African earthquakes. It also provides reference for revisions of the micro seismic parameters, and provides geophysical evidence to restrict the ambiguity of the nodal planes in the focal mechanism solution. In the big picture, this analysis also provides information for the geophysical understanding of the early development of the western branch of EARS. With regard to application, these macro parameters offer data for seismic risk assessment in Tanzania, which are needed in large construction projects.


