
The influence of focal mechanism on seismic radiation energy estimation

  • 摘要: 利用国家地震台网和全球地震台网的宽频带远震P波波形数据,通过测定2014—2019年间国内MW≥6.0和国外MW≥6.5共105次浅源地震的辐射能量和能量震级,研究了震源机制解对辐射能量估计的影响。结果表明:① 震源机制不同导致地震能量辐射差异较大,其中走滑型地震对辐射能量的影响最大,对能量震级的平均影响因子为0.34,正断型地震对能量震级的平均影响因子为0.08,逆断型地震对能量震级的影响最小,平均影响因子为0.05;② 不同震源机制类型地震的差震级ΔM也不同,走滑型地震的ΔM为 0.31,正断型地震的ΔM为0.21,逆断型地震的ΔM为0.08,这表明走滑型地震辐射能量的效率较高,正断型次之, 逆断型最低;③ 根据鲁甸地震的测定结果分析可知,当能矩比与慢度参数均远高于全球平均水平时,即使该地震震级较小,也存在造成严重破坏的概率;④ 能量震级Me和矩震级MW分别反映了震源的动态和静态属性,二者的联合测定对地震灾害合理评估和地震应急具有重要意义。


    Abstract: The measurement of radiated seismic energy has long been an important aspect of seismological studies. In this work, broadband teleseismic P-wave recordings from the China National Seismic Network and Global Seismograph Network were used to measure the radiated seismic energy and energy magnitude of 105 shallow earthquakes in and outside China (MW≥6.0 for the former and MW≥6.5 for the latter) that occurred during 2014–2019. These measurements were then used to study the effects of focal mechanism on seismic radiation energy estimation. The following findings were obtained: ① Radiated seismic energy varies widely depending on the focal mechanism. Strike-slip earthquakes have the greatest impact on radiated seismic energy (with an average increase in energy magnitude of 0.34), followed by normal earthquakes (with an average increase in energy magnitude of 0.08), and thrust earthquakes (average increase in energy magnitude of 0.05). ② The differential magnitude ΔM also varies with the focal mechanism, and the ΔM values of strike-slip, normal, and thrust earthquakes are 0.31, 0.21, and 0.08, respectively. Therefore, strike-slip earthquakes have the highest efficiency in terms of radiated seismic energy, followed by normal and thrust earthquakes. ③ Based on measurements of the 2014 Ludian earthquake, if the energy-to-moment ratio and slowness parameter are both higher than the global average, there is a chance for severe damage to occur, even at small seismic magnitudes. ④ Because the energy magnitude Me and moment magnitude MW reflect the dynamic and static attributes, respectively, of a seismic source, combined measurements of Me and MW are profoundly important for seismic danger estimation and earthquake response planning.


