
Experimental observation and preliminary dataanalysis of vertical geo-electric field

  • 摘要: 地震发生前的电磁异常现象已被地面、卫星等多种观测手段观测到.目前,我国已经建成了100多个水平地电场观测台站,然而对于垂直电场的观测仍是一个空白.自2009年4月开始,在甘肃天祝地震前兆科学台阵的红沙湾、黄羊川、松山建立了3个垂直电场观测试验站,进行垂直地电场的试验观测,在我国专门的垂直地电场观测试验研究尚属首次.通过近1年的观测试验,取得了有价值的观测资料.从数据的初步结果来看,垂直电场的日变化形态清晰,黄羊川和松山观测数据的日变幅度在16 mV/km左右,红沙湾观测数据的日变幅度在8 mV/km左右;垂直电场日变化周期的主要成分是24小时的全日波,其次是12小时周期的半日波.


    Abstract: Electromagnetic anomalies before earthquakes have been observed many times on ground and by satellite. At present, there are more than one hundred stations for horizontal geo-electric field observation in China. However, there had been none for vertical geo-electric observation before this study. Since April 2009 we have set up three vertical geo-electric field observation sites at Songshan, Huangyangchuan and Hongshawan in Tianzhu region, Gansu province. It is the first time to do this kind of study in China. For one year's measurement the vertical geo-electric data display a long-term fluctuation and a strong diurnal variation. The diurnal variation amplitude is about 16 mV/km in Songshan and Huangyangchuan, and 8 mV/km in Hongshawan. By spectrum analysis we found that the amplitude of the 24 h period component is the largest and the 12 h period ones is secondary in vertical geo-electric diurnal variation.


