Crustal and uppermost mantle velocity structure beneath the central-eastern Tibetan Plateau from P-wave tomography
Zhang Geming, Li Xibing, Zheng Chen, Song Xiaodong
2019, 41(4): 411-424. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190003
[Abstract] [PDF]
Lg-wave attenuation and site response in Ningxia region
Zhang Jinling, Zhu Xinyun, Ma Qiyang
2019, 41(4): 425-434. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180134
[Abstract] [PDF]
Study of the Songyuan, Jilin, earthquake sequence in 2017−2018
Li Yan’e, Xing Chengqi, Chen Lijuan, Guo Xiangyun, Kang Jianhong
2019, 41(4): 435-444. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180121
[Abstract] [PDF]
Crustal structure and seismic activity in the Hanzhong basin and its adjacent areas
Wei Zigen, Chu Risheng, Yang Xiaolin, Xie Jun, Tian Zhonghua, Ling Yuan, Dong Feifei
2019, 41(4): 445-458. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180145
[Abstract] [PDF]
Effects of the strike-slip fault on the thermal structure and mantle flow of the mid-ocean ridge and the interpretation to RRF triple junctions at the southern Pacific boundary
Wang Zhenshan, Wei Dongping, Xu Jiajing, Wang Shaopo
2019, 41(4): 459-471. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180009
[Abstract] [PDF]
Inversion for 3D density structure in the middle segment of Tanlu fault zone and its implication
Zhai Lina, Jia Xiaodong, Kong Xiangrui, Shao Yuanyuan, Yang Muping, Wang Xilong, Teng Teng
2019, 41(4): 472-483. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180071
[Abstract] [PDF]
Coseismic deformation and fault slip inversion of the 2017 MW7.3 Halabjah, Iraq, earthquake based on Sentinel-1A data
Cheng Dong, Zhang Yongzhi, Wang Xiaohang, Han Ming
2019, 41(4): 484-493. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180113
[Abstract] [PDF]
Dynamic Coulomb failure stress changes caused by significant earthquakes in Jiujiang-Ruichang region
Dong Feifei, Yuan Liwen, Deng Hui, Tang Lanrong, Guo Yufan, Zha Xiaohui, Luo Li
2019, 41(4): 494-501. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190055
[Abstract] [PDF]
Simulation on energy release of fault rock mass triggered by stress increment and discussion on seismogenesis:Taking Longmenshan fault zone as an example
Shi Haoyu, Ma Nianjie, Shi Jianjun, Li Nan, Ma Ji
2019, 41(4): 502-511. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180151
[Abstract] [PDF]
Geomagnetic jerks based on the midnight mean of the geomagnetic field from geomagnetic networks of China
He Yufei, Zhao Xudong, Zhang Suqin, Yang Dongmei, Li Qi
2019, 41(4): 512-523. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190009
[Abstract] [PDF]
Geochemical characteristics of soil gas in Tangdong active fault zone
Hu Ning, Ma Zhimin, Lou Luling, Zhang Baoshan, Wang Yu, Wang Mingliang, Wang Wenjing, Guo Deke
2019, 41(4): 524-535. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20180131
[Abstract] [PDF]
Intensity measures of pulse-like ground motions in the full periods
Zhao Xiaofen, Wen Zengping, Chen Bo, Liu Yijun
2019, 41(4): 536-547. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190002
[Abstract] [PDF]