Relocation and focal mechanism inversion for the Changning,Sichuan,earthquake on 7 June 2019
Guo Zhi, Gao Xing, Lu Zhen
2020, 42(3): 245-255. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190132
[Abstract] [PDF]
Pn-wave velocity structure and anisotropy beneath northern Ordos block and its adjacent areas
Song Xiaoyan, Lei Jianshe, Du Mofei, He Jing
2020, 42(3): 256-268. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190137
[Abstract] [PDF]
A new deep neural network for phase picking with balanced speed and accuracy
Yu Ziye, Chu Risheng, Sheng Minhan, Ma Haichao
2020, 42(3): 269-282. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190154
[Abstract] [PDF]
Applicability of the new one-dimensional velocity model in Fujian and Taiwan strait region
Zhang Hongcai, Shao Pingrong, Duan Gang, Liao Shirong, Chen Zhiyong
2020, 42(3): 283-292. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190121
[Abstract] [PDF]
Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in western Sichuan region
Wang Huaifu, Wu Jianping, Zhou Shiyong, Feng Tian
2020, 42(3): 293-305. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190103
[Abstract] [PDF]
Signature and physical mechanism of borehole dilatometers in response to super typhoon Lekima in southeastern coastal area of China
Yang Xiaolin, Yang Jinling, Wei Zigen
2020, 42(3): 306-318. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190156
[Abstract] [PDF]
Multi-scale wavelet decomposition of Bouguer gravity anomaly in Three Gorges and its surrounding regions
Li Ji, Xiong Jing
2020, 42(3): 319-326. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190120
[Abstract] [PDF]
Characteristics of ionospheric anomalies before the earthquake in Indonesia on August 5,2018
Wang Zhuangkai, Liu Yi, Liu Jing, Zhang Xuemin, Zhou Chen
2020, 42(3): 327-340. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190134
[Abstract] [PDF]
Response spectra-compatible artificial ground motion simulation considering iterative correlation and phase spectra
Xie Haoyu, Zheng Wanshan, Zhang Wengang, Gao Wenjun
2020, 42(3): 341-348. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190145
[Abstract] [PDF]
Numerical parametric study of seismic dynamic response and amplification effects of slope topography
Deng Peng
2020, 42(3): 349-361. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190133
[Abstract] [PDF]
Improved half-wavelength method for determining the velocity structure of site soil layer
Wang Jixin, Rong Mianshui, Li Xiaojun, Yu Yan
2020, 42(3): 362-376. DOI: 10.11939/jass.20190142
[Abstract] [PDF]